CliNameCasingConvention Enumeration
Defines the character casing conventions to use for command, option and argument names.
Namespace: DotMake.CommandLineAssembly: DotMake.CommandLine (in DotMake.CommandLine.dll) Version: 1.9.0
public enum CliNameCasingConvention
None | 0 |
All characters are kept as they are (same case).
LowerCase | 1 |
All characters are lowered cased (e.g. lower case).
UpperCase | 2 |
All characters are upper cased (e.g. UPPER CASE).
TitleCase | 3 |
The first character of every word is upper cased, the rest lower cased (e.g. Title Case).
PascalCase | 4 |
The first character of every word is upper cased, the rest lower cased and all spaces between words are removed (e.g. PascalCase).
CamelCase | 5 |
The first character of every word except the first one is upper cased, the rest lower cased and all spaces between words are removed (e.g. camelCase).
KebabCase | 6 |
All characters are lowered cased and all spaces between words are converted to hyphens (e.g. kebab-case).
SnakeCase | 7 |
All characters are lowered cased and all spaces between words are converted to underscores (e.g. snake_case).