CliNameCasingConvention Enumeration

Defines the character casing conventions to use for command, option and argument names.


Namespace: DotMake.CommandLine
Assembly: DotMake.CommandLine (in DotMake.CommandLine.dll) Version: 1.9.0
public enum CliNameCasingConvention


None0 All characters are kept as they are (same case).
LowerCase1 All characters are lowered cased (e.g. lower case).
UpperCase2 All characters are upper cased (e.g. UPPER CASE).
TitleCase3 The first character of every word is upper cased, the rest lower cased (e.g. Title Case).
PascalCase4 The first character of every word is upper cased, the rest lower cased and all spaces between words are removed (e.g. PascalCase).
CamelCase5 The first character of every word except the first one is upper cased, the rest lower cased and all spaces between words are removed (e.g. camelCase).
KebabCase6 All characters are lowered cased and all spaces between words are converted to hyphens (e.g. kebab-case).
SnakeCase7 All characters are lowered cased and all spaces between words are converted to underscores (e.g. snake_case).

See Also