CliArgumentAttributeName Property

Gets or sets the name of the argument that will be used mainly for displaying in usage help of the command line application.

If not set (or is empty/whitespace), the name of the property that this attribute is applied to, will be used to generate argument name automatically: These suffixes will be stripped from the property name: RootCliCommandArgument, RootCommandArgument, SubCliCommandArgument, SubCommandArgument, CliCommandArgument, CommandArgument, CliArgument, Argument. Then the name will be converted to kebab-case, for example:

  • If property name is Output or OutputArgument or OutputCliArgument -> argument name will be output
  • If property name is ProjectPath or ProjectPathArgument or ProjectPathCliArgument -> argument name will be project-path

Default convention can be changed via parent command's NameCasingConvention property.


Namespace: DotMake.CommandLine
Assembly: DotMake.CommandLine (in DotMake.CommandLine.dll) Version: 1.9.0
public string Name { get; set; }

Property Value


See Also